Thursday, December 8, 2016

Game design post mortem

Over the course of the semsester I have helped create idea's for as well as assist in making art assets and made narration dialogue bubble's for Inb3tween.

Creating this game has been quite the journey and some things went right and other things went wrong but the whole time it felt like a mad scramble to get a game made. I think this was because of our lack of experience, in the begining we had trouble figuing out what features would be in our game, figuring out diffrent roles for people, and finaly we struggled with bringing our work together and making a game where everyone is on the same track since we were all starting to do our own thing.

On the other hand we all new enough programming and art skill to know how to do our roles, and once the game got going we all had great teamwork and managed to come together to solve our problems with our game.

Finally,  I think that we all learned something new about game development, the roles we should consider going into in the industry, and learned some as people too. For example, I learned about the steps and order to making a game,and how to get a game back on track,and the signs that a game is getting off track. I learned that if I were to make games for a living I should consider, something more in the advertising or art department. and finally I improved on my ability to work and function in a group.

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