Kyle Halpern
The Witness is a game of mazes where you walk from on part of the island to the other solving maze puzzles. However the game world itself is also a maze, that is separated between different type of puzzle zones. However the island itself is also a puzzle, whether its secret areas, finding the next area, or even searching the environment for the solution to certain environmental puzzles. Also in The Witness you can't run so you are going. to have to walk around when you explore the island. This causes the player to see more and notice more. This is important for noticing environmental puzzles and making the player more likely to try a different puzzle if they are struggling with another. The mountain is a great example of this since it twists and turns and has many different paths that lead to different area's and environmental puzzles along the way. Or the boat which despite having fast travel is slow enough that you can see various environmental puzzles along the island.