Last time I talked about Reus and simulating an avatar. Recently I have been starting to learn Unreal Engine 4 and have thought about the game that the doctor had showed us and thought about how I could integrate a game like Resus's interface into the doctors game and in the end I had an Idea where we could thoroughly reduce the interface make the font more presentable and remove the gods. What we could have instead is a little boy who's walking an over world and he goes about his day going to school, friends, the mall and classes, however us the players get to give him food and drink and choose the friends that he hangs more and more with and based on the decisions that we decide to give him he may be more and more likely to not follow our commands as players and instead hang with those people automatically, and the more drugs he takes the more control as a player you lose over him to the point where he will either overdose and die or we as the player can try to introduce him to different friends learn to trust his parents more, or even encourage the character with the bits of control we have left to push him on another path. and with that we as the player can gain more and more control over our character, This game could be unique from other games because a game mechanic would be taking power out of a players hand, but that might be the message that a kid who uses lots of drugs would need, that taking all of these drugs makes them dependent on them so they make the choice to go for them not us the player. We might be able to do this in Unreal Engine 4 since unreal engine is not only such a flexible engine and allows for game mechanics that rely on time oriented mechanics such as waiting hours for some part of the game to complete in game, an example being clash of clans waiting for something to build. however we would use these as triggers for when the player does something with their character. An example, would be that if you hang out wit betty five times and each time you smoke weed, your character would start automatically going to smoke weed frequently usually with Betty. We could also make a portion of this weed cost our character money in game or we could have a health system.

I would propose that we keep the two bars at the bottom and the upper right hand side the bottom for things to give our person and the right for his health, money, and friends, and finaly the daay, month, or year.